Answering all your questions about kohlrabi

This fast-growing veggie is part of the cabbage family and looks like a mix between a turnip and a beet. In fact, it’s sometimes called the “German turnip.” Kohlrabi actually grows just above the ground and can be white or a reddish purple. It has a thick outer skin, but once peeled, it tastes sweet almost like a broccoli stem. It can be eaten raw or cooked.

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Honey Bees, Cows, and Montana Super-Bread: Reflecting on Farmer in the Classroom

I teach Farmer in the Classroom as one of the School Garden Managers here at Garden City Harvest. A few weeks ago, I received a heart-warming email from a parent of a second grade student at Paxson Elementary School. While teachers and kiddos are generally happy to have me visiting their classrooms (“YAYYY, Farmer Lori’s here!”), it’s not often that I get feedback from families.

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