
Greenhouse startsIt is that time of year again — the many possibilities of spring.
While we were attending conferences and classes, raising funds, leafing through seed catalogs, and drawing garden and farm maps — generally making plans for an even better next season — our gardens and farms, our garlic and carrots, our soil slumbered under the straw and snow, waiting patiently. Kale plans, Cherokee Purple plans, red runner bean plans.  Mouthwatering plans. Beautiful blooming, fruiting plans. Just think of the rewards at this season’s end: shelves heavy with dilly beans, plum honey preserves, my grandmother’s tomato pickle relish, think of the freezer full of kale, chard, and tomato sauce.

Here at Garden City Harvest, one of our plans to better ourselves is this here blog.

We’ve heard from so many of our gardeners and CSA members — the new and the seasoned — that you all want more from us.  More education, more recipes, more insect infestation updates. We want to talk to you, too, and hear what your garden news is.

So let’s talk.

This is a resource.

It is a conversation between gardens and gardeners. It is a place to comment, to share news and recipes and photos.

It is yours to make it what you want it to be.

So tell us about what you are planning this year. Do you have a new heirloom variety your are planting? Is this your first go round with a garden — need some advice on when and what to try first? This is your forum. We can’t wait to hear all about it.